Hands on Treatment

Integrated bio-mechanical therapy (IBMT) and Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy

Most of the aches and pains of adults are the result not of injuries, but of the long-term effects of distortions in posture or alignment that have their origins in childhood or adolescence. If the posture or body alignment of a child or teenager is periodically examined and corrected throughout the growing years, that child will be far less likely to experience what we have come to think of as the customary aches and pains of middle and old age. The short-term benefits include the child looking better, feeling better, and being less likely to suffer muscle injuries.

IBMT and structural balancing seeks to free the soft tissues so that the body can align itself comfortably and efficiently with gravity, to help one both feel and look better in the present, and to prevent the aches and pains that typically present problems as one grows older. Although structural balancing would ideally begin in childhood or adolescence, it can be effective later in adulthood as well

Back in college, in the last century, one of my professors used to say:

“Ladies and gentlemen, always keep in mind anything can cause anything.”

It took me a couple of decades to fully appreciate his statement.

But what does it mean?


Lazlo's Rules of Good Posture

  • remember that everything is connected

  • Bones go where muscles put them. Bones stay where muscles keep them.

  • When you sit: put your tail behind you and sit on your sit bones.

  • When you stand: let your head pull and hold your body up.

  • Listen to your body when it tells you something is wrong

  • Position yourself in life by being as kind to yourself as you are to others.


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